Joseph Greenlee, Esq.

Policy Fellow
Joseph Greenlee, Esq. is Fellow in Firearms Policy and in Legal Foundations at the Millennial Policy Center. Joseph is an attorney in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, and is widely recognized for his knowledge of firearms law. Joseph has worked on Second Amendment cases before the Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Circuit Courts of Appeals, and submitted an amicus brief to the Supreme Court of the United States. Joseph has written dozens of short articles on firearms issues. He commonly writes for The Hill and The Federalist Society. His work has also appeared in The Washington Post, The Washington Times, and Conservative Review, among others. Joseph has published two scholarly journal articles on firearms law. He co-authored the law review article, “The Federal Circuits’ Second Amendment Doctrines,” with David B. Kopel. And he co-authored “Pennsylvania’s Expanded Castle Doctrine: An Annotated Tour of the First Five Years,” with Jonathan S. Goldstein. Joseph earned the Second Amendment Foundation’s “Defender of Liberty” award in 2016. That same year, he had the distinction of being the youngest speaker in the history of the National Rifle Association’s Annual National Firearms Law Seminar.
“I founded the Millennial Policy Center because my generation has endured lost potential that we must recapture. And if we are to recapture our lost potential, we must first reclaim our voice. The future is ours. It’s time we embrace it.”Jimmy Sengenberger, President and CEO